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Unterm Rad


Verwendete Ausgabe:

Hesse, H. (1906) Unterm Rad. Projekt Gutenberg.

Weitere Quellen:

Cornils, I. (2009) Introduction: From Outsider to Global Player: Hermann Hesse in the Twenty-First Century, in Cornils, I. A companion to the works of Hermann Hesse / edited by Ingo Cornils. Ingo Cornils (ed.). Rochester, N.Y: Camden House.

Garland, H. B. (1997) The Oxford Companion to German Literature. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Patzer, G. (2013) Lektüreschlüssel. Hermann Hesse: Unterm Rad. Reclam. 

Stelzig, E. L. (2014) Hermann Hesse’s Fictions of the Self: Autobiography and the Confessional Imagination. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Vahlbusch, J. (2009) Novel Ideas: Notes toward a New Reading of Hesse’s Unterm Rad in Cornils, I. A companion to the works of Hermann Hesse / edited by Ingo Cornils. Ingo Cornils (ed.). Rochester, N.Y: Camden House.

Watanabe-O’Kelly, H. (1997) The Cambridge History of German Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Spiegel, 28/1958:

Veröffentlicht am 15. April 2023. Zuletzt aktualisiert am 15. April 2023.